Bulk SMS Service

Effortlessly Connect With Highly Competitive Prices

Instantly communicate with thousands of customers and maximize your business potential with CommPeak's bulk SMS service. Share your messages and promotions using the most convenient form of digital communication.

  • Expanded Customer Base
  • Secure Sending Routes
  • High Deliverability Rates
  • Enhanced Client Satisfaction
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Business use
Personal use

What Is a Bulk SMS Sender?

A bulk SMS sender is software that allows users to distribute text messages to hundreds or thousands of customers.

  • Typically used by companies to market their products and services.
  • Larger enterprises leverage bulk SMS services to send alerts and necessary updates.
  • Companies can easily integrate an API or harness CommPeak’s bulk SMS marketing platform.

Send Bulk SMS Messages to Reduce Operational Costs

Quickly share your latest promotion or update to your entire database.

Communicate More Swiftly

As a bulk SMS provider, CommPeak created software that empowers you to configure your text message campaigns with only a few clicks. After you send, you'll reach all of your contacts within minutes.

  • Master the easy-to-use SMS sending interface
  • Effortlessly develop new bulk campaigns
  • Maximize your cost-effectiveness strategies

Access a Wider Marketplace

When you send bulk SMS messages, you connect with an entire subset of people who would otherwise ignore your phone call. These potential customers are located worldwide, maximizing your potential impact.

  • Upload larger contact lists
  • Create unlimited audiences
  • Reach different types of leads

Build Customer Satisfaction

Harnessing the power of bulk SMS sender software demonstrates your business cares about its customers' preferred communication method. They'll appreciate your effort and become more likely to consider your offer and engage.

  • Send messages at the optimal time
  • Connect via favorite channel
  • Allow for independent engagement
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How Do You Send Bulk SMS Messages?


Create Account

Sign up for an account to harness our bulk SMS service. You can try sending a couple of text messages with your free credit!


Upload Contacts

Upload your contact lists to the bulk SMS sender. This process can be more accessible and save you time when integrating your CRM.


Prepare Campaign

Configure your online bulk SMS campaign precisely how you need. Create audience lists, specify sending times, and include links.


Click Send

Share promotions or updates. Sit back and wait for customers and leads to engage. Discover which campaigns are the most effective.

Bulk SMS Service Pricing


Highest delivery level

Best quality routes available for SMS messages

Supports all caller and sender ID types

Highly competitive prices for cost-oriented campaigns



Solid, reliable delivery level

Various campaign types for business

Good quality routes for customer communication

Supports most sender IDs like alpha name and numeric


Good quality routes

Supports only numeric sender IDs

Primarily SIM box termination

Transactional and promotional routes available

To discover more about customized, unique rates for your business, contact the team.

Sign up to view prices

Bulk SMS Service FAQs

Boost Your Sales With CommPeak

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One of our dedicated team members will be happy to support you. Reach out today!

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