Business Text Messaging

Optimal Deliverability. Competitive Rates.

Getting in touch with potential and existing clients becomes more affordable when you choose CommPeak's text service for business. You can send notifications and advertise promotions on a mass scale, taking advantage of highly competitive rates.

  • Rapid Text Deployment
  • Easy Status Tracking
  • Large Audience Lists
  • Highly Competitive Prices
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Business use
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What Is a Text Messaging Service for Business?

A texting service for business is an online application that helps you reach your customers more efficiently and effectively.

  • SMS messaging is the simplest way to communicate with clients and leads.
  • Send alerts, promote recent sales, and compel inactive customers to return.
  • A business text service makes SMS sending a quick, convenient process.

Enjoy Better Prices With Our Text Service for Business

Immediately notify and update all of your clients with only a few clicks.

Quickly Send Your Latest Campaign

By connecting with your customers and business leads via business SMS messaging, you don’t have to use your time calling individuals and waiting for them to pick up the phone. Instead, optimize your outreach process and develop your business.

  • Keep operational costs low
  • Significantly minimize downtime
  • Invest assets more cost-effectively

Save Your Time and Resources

When you send bulk SMS messages, you connect with an entire subset of people who would otherwise ignore your phone call. These potential customers are located worldwide, maximizing your potential impact.

  • Upload larger contact lists
  • Create unlimited audiences
  • Reach different types of leads

Keep Track of Your KPIs

When you use our business text messaging API, you instantly become euipped with technology to track your campaign success. Find out whether your messages were delivered, whether clients clicked on the click, and what is the best sending time.

  • Review performance indicators
  • Modify your sending times
  • Reuse high engagement audiences
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How CommPeak’s Business SMS Service Helps You Profit

With our highly competitive prices and reliable delivery rates, our business text messaging services empower your team to maximize its outreach without spending too much.

Reduced Prices

Minimize your costs with excellent routing rates and options.

Expanded Impact

Reach more customers with worldwide routes available.

Rich Partnerships

With CommPeak, you’ll get access to special and promotional rates.

Multiple Routing Options

Choose from a selection of routes and providers to work with.

Add Custom Links

Include trackable URLs to monitor your CTRs and engagement.

Automated Responses

Create custom templates for automatic follow-up messages.

How Do You Use CommPeak’s Text Service for Bussiness


Quickly Sign Up for Free

Join CommPeak by creating an account with MyCommPeak. Create your username and password and verify your email.


Configure Account

Upload your contact lists and integrate your CRM. You can also send a free business SMS message or two with your trial credit.


Create Bulk Messages

Craft your message with our text messaging service for business. Decide what to tell your customers and include an optional link.


Deploy Your Campaigns

Once you're ready, click send, and your message will be sent instantly. Track your performance with our business text service.

Business Text Messaging Pricing


Highest delivery level

Best quality routes available for SMS messages

Supports all caller and sender ID types

Highly competitive prices for cost-oriented campaigns



Solid, reliable delivery level

Various campaign types for business

Good quality routes for customer communication

Supports most sender IDs like alpha name and numeric


Good quality routes

Supports only numeric sender IDs

Primarily SIM box termination

Transactional and promotional routes available

To discover more about customized, unique rates for your business, contact the team.

Sign up to view prices

Business Text Messaging FAQs

Boost Your Sales With CommPeak

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One of our dedicated team members will be happy to support you. Reach out today!

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